The Weirdest Bachelor Party I’ve ever been to Part II: Rated ‘M’ For Maturity

After a less than seamless Friday drive, detailed in Part I, my wounded car and I are within five minutes of the Tahoe Air BnB. A text tells me to pick up some White Claws and something that passes for dinner before I get there because the household has already eaten. After a full day... Continue Reading →

The Weirdest Bachelor Party I’ve ever been to Part I: Subaruined

After dating somebody for the better part of a decade, the second of my two college roommates is set to get married. Unlike the first bachelor party I covered here this roommate has booked us for Lake Tahoe. Exactly like the first bachelor party, it gives me an opportunity to put my breathtaking stupidity on... Continue Reading →

Short Stories I Stole: Pets Is Animals

Full disclaimer: The surrounding details of this story are murky, but the core fact remains. Folks say that pets are people too. I disagree. I think pets are animals. They’re capable of empathy and deserving of decency, but they’re animals like us, moreso than us.  When your dog is barking at your Hoover it’s because... Continue Reading →

Short Stories I Stole: Beach Justice

Stories, I’ve noticed, are important to people. I’m not talking about well-crafted books and movies, either, I’m talking about one person opening their mouth in front of others and relaying something that happened to them earlier. That right there is one of the building blocks of human interaction. And whether it’s a journalist describing their... Continue Reading →

Bombed in Boise: Why Am I Alive?

I did some accounting recently and I realized that for the past eight months I’ve done nothing but yell at you, dear reader, regarding only my opinions and the opinions of those on porn websites. That’s all well and good in proper proportions, but for a person who started a blog about a two day... Continue Reading →

Hotel California: the value of a cigarette

WARNING: PARENTAL DISCRETION ADVISED Cigarettes get a pretty bad rap. I’m not dense, I understand why. They coat clothes, they ruin teeth, and, in extremis, they give cancer. But in moderation, I think a cigarette or two can really improve an evening. Granted, I’ve never ridden a cigarette into the sunset, returning with gainful employment... Continue Reading →

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